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Inisiatif Dini Pilah Sampah di Sekolah
Educate, Sort, Sustain

The INDAH program is specifically designed to educate and engage students and school communities in sustainable waste management efforts.


  1. Training of Trainer (TOT)
    Intensive training for teachers and students aimed at building environmental awareness and leading the school’s waste-conscious movement.
  2. INDAH Education
    This program aims to raise awareness among students and the school community about the importance of proper waste management. Through educational campaigns and participatory activities such as seminars, workshops, and social events, students will be guided to understand the negative impacts of waste on the environment and the importance of their role in maintaining cleanliness and sustainability.
  3. Waste Management Projects
    Students are encouraged to actively participate in waste management activities at school, such as collection, sorting, and recycling of waste. Through this project, they gain direct experience in their environmental responsibilities and the positive impact of sustainable practices.
  4. Awareness Campaigns
    Students play a crucial role in campaigning waste awareness messages to classmates, families, and the local community. They organize activities such as seminars, exhibitions, or outreach events in the school’s surrounding area to increase awareness about the importance of waste management.